вторник, 11 февраля 2014 г.

Адвокаты и администрация Качановской колонии опровергают информацию о встрече Тимошенко и Клюева

Адвокаты и администрация Качановской колонии опровергают информацию о встрече Тимошенко и Клюева

11 февраля 2014 | 11:13
Глава администрации президента Андрей Клюев не приезжал к экс-премьеру Юлии Тимошенко в ЦКБ5 (Харьков), утверждает адвокат экс-премьера Александр Плахотнюк.

"Это исключено", - заявил Плахотнюк во вторник.

Начальник Качановской исправительной колонии Игорь Колпащиков также опроверг информацию о том, что Клюев встречался с Тимошенко.

"Мне о такой встрече ничего неизвестно", - сказал Колпащиков.

Как сообщалось, ранее украинские СМИ со ссылкой на источник в руководстве одной из оппозиционных фракций сообщили о том, что на прошлой неделе А.Клюев встретился с Ю.Тимошенко. Источники утверждали, что предметом переговоров стал поиск совместного выхода из нынешней ситуации и объединение усилий Партии регионов и "Батькивщины" в Верховной Раде.

понедельник, 3 февраля 2014 г.

Звернення Верховного комісару ООН з прав людини до Президента України

Звернення Верховного комісару ООН з прав людини до Президента України

Звернення Верховного комісару ООН з прав людини до Президента України31 січня 2014 року - Ми вітаємо початок діалогу між президентом і опозицією та закликаємо забезпечити, щоби цей діалог був стійким, всеохоплюючим та базувався на повній повазі міжнародних договорів з прав людини, ратифікованих Україною та політичних зобов`язань, прийнятих країною в рамках Універсального періодичного огляду Ради ООН з прав людини, який відбувся в березні минулого року.
Ми також вітаємо скасування українським парламентом на початку цього тижня законів, прийнятих 16 січня, які надмірно обмежують здійснення прав на свободу зборів, об`єднань та слова, а також роботи неурядових організацій. Ми закликаємо Президента України підписати новий закон, що скасовує пакет законів від 16 січня.
Однак ми приголомшені повідомленнями про смерті людей останніми днями в Києві, які мають бути негайно, ретельно та незалежно розслідувані. Ми також закликаємо провести розслідування щодо повідомлень про викрадення та тортурах .
Ми повторюємо наш заклик до уряду і протестувальників проявляти стриманість й створити умови для діалогу і примирення. Міжнародні норми в галузі прав людини і дотримання Україною цих стандартів і своїх зобов`язань, що стосуються прав людини повинні бути в центрі будь-яких майбутніх рішень і процесів примирення.

Для отримання додаткової інформації телефонуйте Руперту Колвиллю за номером +41 22 917 9767, або електронною поштою: rcolville@ohchr.org.

Фрагменти щодо Україні з прес-конференції Генерального секретаря ООН на Мюнхенській конференції з безпеки

Фрагменти щодо Україні з прес-конференції Генерального секретаря ООН на Мюнхенській конференції з безпеки

Фрагменти щодо Україні з прес-конференції Генерального секретаря ООН на Мюнхенській конференції з безпеки1 лютого 2014 року - Як і раніше, мене серйозно турбують події в Україні, зокрема, заяви про порушення прав людини, саме тому на цьому тижні я відправив пана Роберта Серрі до Києва з місією щодо встановлення фактів.
Як вам відомо, пан Серрі є моїм Спеціальним координатором з мирного процесу на Близькому Сході, але в той же час він був послом Нідерландів в Україні.
Тут, у Мюнхені, він надавав мені інформацію про свої зустрічі в Україні. Він зустрічався з Президентом, Міністром закордонних справ і лідерами опозиції.
Учора ввечері тут, у Мюнхені, я провів зустріч з Міністром закордонних справ України Леонідом Кожарою, а сьогодні вранці я зустрічався з лідерами української опозиції, зокрема, з паном Віталієм Кличком.
Я уважно вислухав усе, що мені казали Міністр і лідери опозиції, і я висловив їм свою зростаючу стурбованість з приводу протистояння в країні.
Я настійно закликав уряд до вжиття чітких і рішучих кроків по деескалації ситуації.
Я також настійно закликав обидві сторони до виявлення максимальної стриманості та більшої гнучкості у пошуку вирішення цієї кризи та до розробки мирного майбутнього для своєї країни.
Питання: пане Генеральний Секретар, ви розмовляли з обома сторонами [в Україні]. Якими є ваші особисті відчуття? Чи здатні вони та чи готові вони знайти необхідне мирне рішення? Чи готові вони до розмови один з одним?
Г.С.: Це дуже важливе питання. Можливо, мені ще зарано оцінювати, до чого вони готові. Моє повідомлення було тим, що я дійсно закликаю обидві сторони: будь ласка, здійсніть рішучі дії, не втрачаючи часу. Тому що є дуже багато людей, які дійсно хочуть запровадження певних реформ.
Я взяв до відома те, що Президент Янукович учора підписав. Він скасував анти-демонстраційні [закони] та [підписав] законопроект про амністію. Я звернувся до них із проханнями, які б дискусії не відбувалися шляхом загальнонаціонального діалогу, Президент і уряд повинні рішучих вжити термінових заходів, які б відображали прагнення, невдоволення та проблеми народу.
Звертаючись до людей, які вийшли на демонстрації проти уряду, я також підкреслюю, що найкращий спосіб — це спільна розмова. Незважаючи на те, що обидві сторони все ще можуть бути віддаленими одна від одної, потрібно спробувати подолати розрив шляхом діалогу.
Завжди існує спосіб вирішення проблем і невдоволення. Таким було моє повідомлення. Подивимося. Я буду постійно та дуже уважно стежити за ситуацією. Я чув, що найближчим часом Президент Янукович може вжити певних заходів. Сподіваюся, що він це зможе зробити якомога швидше. Це було б корисно для вирішення цих проблем.

Даже в прекраснейших своих грезах человек не может вообразить ничего прекраснее природы. А. Ламартин

Даже в прекраснейших своих грезах человек не может вообразить ничего прекраснее природы.
А. Ламартин
Мир не кончается на нашем горизонте.
А. Лемъер
Порядок, цель, закон суть не более как слова, которыми человек переводит дела природы на свой язык, чтобы понять их.
В. И. Ленин
Природа так обо всем позаботилась, что повсюду ты находишь, чему учиться.
Леонардо да Винчи
Руины одного нужны вечно живой природе для жизни другого.

Г. Лессинг
От законов природы никуда не укроешься.
Мир не кончается у дверей дома.
М. Метерлинк
Природа — приятный наставник, и даже не столько приятный, сколько осторожный и верный.
М. Монтень
В природе нет ничего бесполезного.
М. Монтень

Nature is not terpit lzhi.

Nature is not terpit lzhi.
T. Carlyle
In his own poetry pass in nature.
E. Kittel
In all things which nature works, it does nothing hastily.
World - this is a book whose pages are open to us with every step.

World - a lovely book, but useless for someone who can not read.

World - a lovely book, but useless for someone who can not read.
In nature there is nothing dead.
T. Gautier
Nature like attracts and inspires because it is natural.
Von Humboldt
The world is lovely and it is no salvation.

All the aspirations and efforts of nature completed man, to him they seek, they fall into it, as in the ocean. A. I. Gercen

All the aspirations and efforts of nature completed man, to him they seek, they fall into it, as in the ocean.
A. I. Gercen
Nature does not recognize jokes, she always true, always serious, always strict, she is always right; same mistakes and misconceptions come from people.
Nature knows no stopping in its motion and executes any inactivity.
Nature has no organs of speech, but will create languages ​​and heart, by means of which speaks and feels.
Nature - the creator of all creators.

Nature only win in obedience to its laws.

Nature only win in obedience to its laws.
Earth - is a huge theater, which is the same tragedy is played under different names.
F. Wolter
Nature - this is the best of the books written in a special language. This language should be studied.
N.. C. Garin-Mikhailovskii

Alexander Pushkin - Poems

Tsarskoye Selo 
Arise, O Greece, rise ... 
all the red knights stables ... 
All in memory of your sacrifice ... 
Deaf blind called to court ... 
Walks little leg ... 
D. V. Davydov (You singer ...) 
Dar vain, casual gift ... 
Two marvelous feeling close to us ... 
Denis Davydov 
Tenth Commandment 
To the shores of the motherland now ... 
Road complaints 
Friendship (gods you have given ...) 
Album (Yesterday was the day of separation noisy ...) 
Album (No, I'm not a smoothie ...) 
About magic of first love! .. 
E. Ushakova (You spoiled nature ...) 
Her eyes 
Ek. H. Ushakova (When used to in the old days ...) 
Ek. Ushakova (Away from you ...) 
If life deceive you ... 
There is a marvelous rose: she ... 
More cold winds blow ... 
Another high, important songs ... 
Lived a poor knight ... 
Why am I fascinated by it? .. 
Why, Helen, so fearfully ... 
Winter Morning 
Winter evening 
Winter road 
and Gold damask 
Zorya beat ... from my hands ... 
Then I saw the black swarm of demons ... 
And I heard that the light of God ... 
I. V. Sleninu 
I. I. Pushchin 
From A.Shene 
From Anacreon 
From Hafiz 
Of Pindemonti 
Name day (Multiply noise and joy ...) 
Another had my Aglaia ... 
K *** (You Mother of God, there is no doubt ...) 
K *** (Happy who near you ...) 
To *** (Do not ask ...) 
K *** (No, no, I must not, dare not ...) 
To Timashev 
By Baratynsky 
to bust conqueror 
By nobleman ( Moscow ...) 
To Viazemskii 
To friend the poet. (Arist! and you're in a crowd of servants Parnassus! ..) 
 By E. N. Wolfe 
By Kastrati violinist ... just came 
to morphine. (Forget love to a new night! ..) 
to the sea (Farewell, free element! ..) 
By N. Ya Plyuskovoy 
thereto (Praise love, thank the gods ...) 
To Chaadayev. (Love, Hope, quiet glory ...) 
How sweet it is! .. but the gods as dangerous ...

10 major technological trends in 2014

ll10 major technological trends in 2014
This year in technology promises to be no less interesting than the last

Mobile devices will continue to build "smart" and learn to more accurately anticipate the desires of the owner. Users have to say goodbye with a sense of "invisible" on the Internet, which is increasingly will demonstrate how well "knows" users. 3D-printing, robotics, intelligent devices promise to qualitatively change the industrial and consumer markets. Desktop computer systems

Hybrid computers or devices "2-in-1"

Hybrid computers came into being in 2013. This tablet with a detachable keyboard unit, which assembled resemble old desktops. On the market a lot of these models, but still they were too expensive for the mass market.
In 2014, the price of hybrids should be lower, and the devices themselves - and more popular. They will benefit as those who are accustomed to desktop computers, and those who prefer tablets, but wants to have something more. The company Intel, for example, believe that it is a hybrid model in 2014 will take a dominant position on the market of computers. Apple Apple is preparing to offer a new conceptual model of a desktop computer - MacPro. He will have a cylindrical body, a powerful processor with 12 cores and a clock speed of up to 4 GHz, the possibility of the monitor output resolution images 4K - as in most modern TVs. It provides for the possibility to create a personal data store. MacPro price will be close to the current premium segment of the market. Minimum version MacPro will cost $ 2,999, complete set MacPro will cost $ 10,000 and up. Why? Apple is preparing to set a new standard for price and to revive the desktop market, which is heavily passed in recent years. This will bring in new industry money. 4K display manufacturers have already supported Apple in its endeavor. lntel main world producer of processors continue to produce microchips, which will be smaller, and their multi-core - more. Already preparing to release series processors Broadwell, allowing to apply the technological limits of 14 nm and placed in a single processor to 18 cores. Still the flagship - processors Haswell - will have to give leadership to the new favorite. In general, the path of development promoted by Intel, will remain the same: build processor performance by equipping even more cores without increasing the speed of a single core. Universal ChargerSo far, every notebook manufacturer produces its own type of battery charger that are not always easy and convenient . Now there is a new standard agreement charges. It can be expected that in 2014, manufacturers finally move to a universal model of the charger, which is suitable for all laptops. Smartphones and Tablets

64-bit processors

Issue 2013 Model Apple iPhone 5S with 64-bit CPU, A7 was the signal for the market. Samsung has decided in early 2014 to release his own 64-bit processor and equip them next flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy S5.

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Transition to 64-bit architecture also confirmed other processor manufacturers - Qualcomm, Nvidia and Broadcom. Their 64-bit model will be available in the first half of 2014, while the 64-bit ARM-systems will be equipped with not only mobile gadgets, but also network computers and servers. During the second half of 2014 will join the list of manufacturers of budget processors - the company MediaTek and Allwinner, which also move to release 64-bit models. New design: curved geometry of curved shape of the body will be gradually replace the flat design, characteristic of current smartphones and fabletov. The company LG, for example, believe that by 2015 about 12% of new smartphone will have a curved design, and by 2018 their share was 40%. "legislators" this fashion steel LG and Samsung. LG has released one of the first model with a curved screen (LG G Flex). Moreover, it announced its ambitious plans to develop a smartphone that will have a flexible body. Although it plans distant perspective: According to experts, the industrial production of flexible displays is to be expected no earlier than 10 years. Edition smartphone with a curved geometry display tried to learn in 2013, Samsung model Galaxy Round. Unlike LG body was not bent lengthwise and crosswise. But experience has shown the first sales: this design is not like customers. Nevertheless, Samsung ready to continue experimenting with the design. The company's plans for 2014 - the release of the smartphone, the display of which is bent at one edge at its end, which will house the control button. rumored developing its own smartphone with a curved display and is Apple. The new model can appear as early as 2014. Google vs. Apple The main advantage of iPhone - great graphics. With the release of the 2013 model iPhone 5S reached a new milestone - resolution 326 ppi. However, Apple's competitors on its heels. So, update Android 4.4 KitKat allows 560 pixels resolution, Samsung is going to implement this feature in the new model GalaxyS5. Apple is preparing to give his own answer. Modern TVs, monitors, and video cameras provide resolution 2K, and Apple plans to launch in 2014 a new tablet iPadBiggie with such resolution, bringing to the screen size is 12.9 inches. A few months later, Apple plans to release a more powerful model iPad with a display resolution of 4K. Catch leaders mobile OS Smartphone makers do not lose hope to oust Google and Apple's mobile operating system market. Already in early 2014, Samsung and Intel plans to release its own system TizenOS for smartphones and cameras. Near the Android in 2013 have already appeared official clones. We are talking about the version of CyanogenMod, which is developing a separate group of developers. They are inserted into the system features that are not supported by Google in its main direction of development of Android. Asus company will offer in 2014 a series of plates, which will operate and Android, and Windows 8. Handheld Gadgets

Wearable electronics

According ABIResearch, global shipments of portable devices in 2013 exceeded 50 million units. It is projected that by the end of 2014 the market will present about 100 million wearable gadgets, and by 2018 their number will exceed 540 million

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In 2013, the major players in this market were considered of Sony, Samsung, Pebble. Were visible and projects that received "popular" financing online platform Kickstarter. And in 2014 this market will become even more "hot". Here are planning to have new major players: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Motorola, LG. They also will join the company, not directly related to the IT industry. For example, Nike, which already has at its disposal a fitness tracker FuelBand, but complement it in a 2014 issue of its own model of smart hours. Programs for wearable gadgets In 2013 there was a rapid growth of mobile applications dedicated to health, sports, scientific nutrition. Number of issued programs, according to Research2Guidance, already more than 100 000 items that enjoy considerable success among the buyers: the daily number of downloads for the programs of the top 10 this subject more than 4 million still mobile applications for wearable gadgets mainly accumulated information from human . In 2014, they will function daily advice with recommendations on diet, lifestyle changes. Tips will be given on the basis of the gadgets on the lifestyle of their owners. At least it can help to save people from a variety of chronic diseases. Smart apparel and textiles This segment should finalize in 2014, and, according to the company's forecast for 2018 MarketsandMarkets, the market should exceed $ 2 billionalready known examples of the first developments in this region. For example, OMsignal to become the first manufacturer in the world biochuvstvitelnoy special clothing that is capable of tracking changes in human well-being. Its built-in sensors will record heart rate, respiratory rhythm, level of physical activity. The collected data can be monitored in real time via a smartphone.Another example of development offers Wearable Sports Electronics, a division of Adidas. In 2014, it plans to introduce the technology to the consumer market, which previously applied only to professional sports. For example, sport shirts miCoachElite with internal sensor - such goods are still used, for example, athletes professional football league MLS. Robotics

In the coming years robotics should make a breakthrough, the prerequisites for which was laid in the creation of artificial intelligence in the last 40 years. Until now, the market was not understanding who will buy these "miracle device" and who will serve them. One of the most famous examples of developments in robotics have been studies of BostonDynamics. For several years, she led the project U.S. defense DARPA, however, in late 2013 the development was acquired by Google. What happens to them - one of the mysteries, the answer to that should give 2014. Trends of robotics in 2014 the two-armed robots. In this direction work SeikoEpson, Nachi, ABB, Kawada. They created robots resemble humans, that, according to the developers must ensure consumer demand. robot manipulator. Such systems are still designed primarily for the industry, but the idea of remote access and control over the implementation of detailed operations manipulator may find application in the consumer sector.Wearable robotic devices. It's about developing eco-skeletons that are now coming for mass circulation. They are designed to assist people with disabilities, the therapy and rehabilitation, to help athletes in training. "smart home"

Today, "smart home" - it's all kinds of lighting control system, security access control in the home, climate control, mechanization garage doors, shutter control electronics for home entertainment. Development of "cloud" technologies in 2014 is expected breakthrough in the development of video surveillance systems, which are increasingly working through the "cloud computing." But if you are still in the "cloud" simply accumulated footage, now innovation become analytic functions to be provided through the "cloud" and use the data accumulated there. At the same time in 2014 is expected to decline in prices for gadgets used for "smart home", as well as services to their installation and maintenance. Becoming a mass market, it leads to democratization prices.

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"Zoo" technology

there is a chance that 2014 will be systematized technology "smart home". Now there is a real "zoo" of the devices used in these homes. For example, among the wired and wireless communication methods have BACnet, LonWorks, ZigBee, EnOcean, Bluetooth, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, NFC. For the consumer, it's too much. In 2014, equipment manufacturers have to move towards each other for the sake of increasing the user's convenience. Unified Automation Server To combine multiple gadgets into one system "smart home", need a single server automation. Now this server is not a niche is not busy, and a lot of options on the market of individual installations. Leader should appear, followed by the competitors will. Who gives a call to action? It is possible that the elements of such a server platform may occur, for example, in the future model AppleTV. But while the question remains open. Games

In 2014, will continue to be popular for video game consoles. Main source of income of their creators are not selling, and additional services purchased during the game. Thus, according to statistics, the average monthly check for the purchase of additional "features" is $ 16.50 per player. also grow the popularity of games for tablets. According to forecasts, by 2016 their share of the game roar reaches 47.6%. In 2014, games for iOS are more popular games for Android, but the application for the latter will quickly reduce the backlog. Sales of games will stimulate sales of TVs, desktops, smartphones and tablets. So, for the last two years the number of gaming enthusiasts in the U.S., using all kinds of gaming devices increased by 25%, and the total number was 40 million.But the most active this trend manifests itself in China and Spain. Televisions

Ultra HD and curved design

Back in 2012 was approved by the term «Ultra High Definition» or «Ultra HD» instead of the old 4K. In 2013, the leading TV manufacturers relied on this standard - screen resolution at 3840h2160 pixels, the presence of a digital input and the aspect ratio of 16x9. In the past year, a new series of TVs with OLED-screen curved shape, which has become an alternative "stalled» 3D-TV.The main competitors in the market TVs were Sony, LG, Samsung. This year manufacturers battle began in January at CES 2014.There, LG and Samsung introduced its first model with flexible screen TVs. This - the same curved screen, but now its shape can be adapted to the location of the viewer. Samsung also plans to demonstrate the technology control your TV using gestures.Smart choice video Google is preparing to release in the first half of 2014 NexusTV - set-top box based on Android with the capabilities of a gaming console. With its help, you can view streaming video, which will be collected from various sources of video: Netflix, Hulu and YouTube. Novelty gadget is that it can intelligently "anticipate" and desire to offer the viewer a choice of interesting video for him. technology allows for gender and age, history of past hits, a selection of other viewers with similar preferences for spectators. 3D-printing

In 2014, 3D-printing will continue to beat the records of popularity. This is not only connected with the fact that items can be created from a metal, ceramic or plastic materials. The main factor - now they can "print" to order. This market power noticed, and in the U.S., for example, is already working on a bill for the legal regulation of 3D-printing. 2014 will be an important technology for the development of more and because this market should leave large vendors such as HP, Samsung and Microsoft.

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Data Warehouse

Storage systems for mobile

storage capacity for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) will continue in 2014 at the same level - it will be from 16 to 64 GB for smartphones and from 32 to 128 GB for tablets. "Cloud" storage in 2014 with a further development of mobile Internet will increase consumer interest in "cloud" technology. Members will actively move data from personal storage in the "cloud." This will benefit both producers and consumers, who will have access to a set of new "cloud" services. All this may lead to an explosive growth in popularity of the personal "clouds". Repositories hard disk Major manufacturers - Seagate, Western Digital and Toshiba - will actively implement the 2014 hybrid hard drives. They are distinguished primarily small shell thickness (about 5 mm) and economical in terms of energy consumption of flash memory. As a result, the market will be a lot of new models of ultra-thin notebook with a large amount of local memory. They are particularly popular where the level of development of mobile Internet will not allow the "cloud" technologies to compete with them. Mobile Commerce

"Mass customization" of products sold

lately purchases via smartphones and tablets stood out in a separate area, which develops, without exception, in all developed countries. Many trading companies have already released applications for smartphones. In 2014, the expected mass production of mobile trading applications for tablets. At most trade will continue the process of "mass customization" of goods sold. This means that before you make a purchase, the customer selects the goods, the most adapted to his taste: color, size, list of properties. For this, he uses a variety of technologies and mobile gadgets. mobile wallet in 2014 will continue to gain popularity mobile wallet - a special application for the smartphone. However, according to forecasts, this payment method to truly win the market a few years.Meanwhile different startups are developing their own version of a mobile wallet, but the final choice of users gradually allocate one or two leaders. Candidates at this place called PayPal and Google, but it is possible that there may be other leaders.

Porsche 911 Targa

lIn the holiday should not go here. Nevertheless, Detroit auto show is still a mecca for car enthusiasts around the world. Automotive industry revives. Budgets are rising, so presented "new metal" as good as in those years. Extremely important production cars, uncompromising sports cars, which in garages and celebrities on the walls of teenagers and concepts Spreading concept possible - all these can be found in the cramped corridors of the Detroit Motor Show. We tried to select 5 most memorable models. By tradition, the main aspect was not the untwisted model, and the emotions that these machines affect us. Machines will not be 5, and 6, as three candidates have the same number of points, and "lose" some of them we did not dare. It is a pity that the final rating is not broke conceptual coupe from Kia and wild sedan from Infiniti, which certainly gets our award for the best color. But do not worry: will the next time, but for now go to the main "suspect". 4. Porsche 911 Targa - 4 points . Porsche revived classics literally. Convertibles today rivet from literally everything. As soon as a new model of car, immediately internet is rife with rumors about the version without a roof. Porsche 911 Targa - Redefining antiquities from the mid-1960s, which we lacked. Home "feature" of this sports car is in the button and the complex mechanisms of the folding roof. Watch how it works, you can forever.

Porsche 911 Targa

SEE ALSODangerous city, or indifference Cycle

4. Toyota FT-1 - 4 points . Japanese Toyota of surprise and delight. Perhaps controversial, but aggressive and ambitious design masters from the studio Calty Design (CA) defines the concept on a background of "normal" Toyota models and makes it clear: all serious. Otherwise, it can not be, because the FT-1 is born with an important mission. It must be a successor of the legendary Toyota Supra. For the Japanese automaker is unexpected step away from the intended course, as companies claim that FT-1 will focus exclusively on the dynamics and sport, and care about the environment and the economy will take a backseat. What happens - time will tell. So far, Toyota does not disclose the technical details, but on the concept already you can go in the game Gran Turismo 6.

Toyota FT-1

4. Cadillac ATS Coupe - 4 points . At BMW 4-series probably already started to panic, because Cadillac introduced a compact version of its compartment ATS. He became even more brazen and dynamic. The car is very correct posture, which once again confirms the process of rejuvenation of the brand. Differences from the sedan is not so much - unless changed roofline, rear rack, trunk lid, and extended wheel arches. Well, the brightest feature of: a laurel wreath on the logo of the brand was joyfully declared a relic of the past and disappeared from the logo.

Cadillac ATS Coupe

3. Audi Allroad Shooting Brake - 5 points . Audi proved that change is coming. Ostochertevshie all their monotony and boredom design replaced an abrupt change of course. First, by itself Allroad Shooting Brake looks breath of fresh air. It is proportional, strict, ascetic, but he looks like a serial sample, which is about to appear in the near Motor Show Audi. And secondly, have you seen lately Shooting breaks? Who said "Mercedes"? Shooting break in serial understanding soon threatens to disappear from the roads permanently. The last instance, traveling about on our planet - Volvo C30, but we must remember that this car was removed from production. Sovereshenno not important that the Audi Allroad Shooting Brake 400 horsepower. Importantly, in Geneva in the spring we will see the new TT, which will look the same way.

Audi Allroad Shooting Brake

2. Volvo XC Coupe - 9 points . There is something vaguely attractive in the Swedish car with a pair of skis on the roof, whether Volvo Amazon from the Jurassic, Saab 900 Turbo, or even Koenigsegg Agera R. This is a kind of Scandinavian press, which are born all these "ice" machine. And yet they are born with flawless complexion. This tradition in fine form expresses presented in Detroit Volvo Concept XC Coupe. According to the creators, the design of this two-door four-crossover was inspired just sports equipment. We do not know whether this development the future, but that this "layout" will form the basis of the next generation XC90 - exactly. Deserved second place in our ranking, one of which, however, his colleague even won. Apparently, our editors can not resist the new corporate style Volvo.

Volvo XC Coupe

SEE ALSOA. Shary: Casualties of War in Ukraine

1. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 - 13 points . The fourth generation Corvette Z06 clearly is for lovers "old school" motoring. Here is what so fond of American monsters: the famous LT4 V8 volume of 6.2 liters, an outstanding 625 horsepower and 860 Nm of torque and gets integrated Eaton supercharger 1.7-liter. Of course, the savings and environmental engineers also had to remember to please the modern requirements of the engine temper tames system Active Fuel Management, optimizing fuel consumption and reducing emissions. But it's still a great evil gluttonous monster, which the owners will be managed through a seven-speed "mechanics". However, unsure of their abilities will be offered an alternative in the face of the eightfold "automaton" 8L90. Loyalty to tradition and irrepressible power, uzhivshiesya with modern technology - that's why Z06 wins the rating. We just can not give him credit.

Chevrolet Corvette Z06lIn the holiday should not go here. Nevertheless, Detroit auto show is still a mecca for car enthusiasts around the world. Automotive industry revives. Budgets are rising, so presented "new metal" as good as in those years. Extremely important production cars, uncompromising sports cars, which in garages and celebrities on the walls of teenagers and concepts Spreading concept possible - all these can be found in the cramped corridors of the Detroit Motor Show. We tried to select 5 most memorable models. By tradition, the main aspect was not the untwisted model, and the emotions that these machines affect us. Machines will not be 5, and 6, as three candidates have the same number of points, and "lose" some of them we did not dare. It is a pity that the final rating is not broke conceptual coupe from Kia and wild sedan from Infiniti, which certainly gets our award for the best color. But do not worry: will the next time, but for now go to the main "suspect". 4. Porsche 911 Targa - 4 points . Porsche revived classics literally. Convertibles today rivet from literally everything. As soon as a new model of car, immediately internet is rife with rumors about the version without a roof. Porsche 911 Targa - Redefining antiquities from the mid-1960s, which we lacked. Home "feature" of this sports car is in the button and the complex mechanisms of the folding roof. Watch how it works, you can forever.

Porsche 911 Targa

SEE ALSODangerous city, or indifference Cycle

4. Toyota FT-1 - 4 points . Japanese Toyota of surprise and delight. Perhaps controversial, but aggressive and ambitious design masters from the studio Calty Design (CA) defines the concept on a background of "normal" Toyota models and makes it clear: all serious. Otherwise, it can not be, because the FT-1 is born with an important mission. It must be a successor of the legendary Toyota Supra. For the Japanese automaker is unexpected step away from the intended course, as companies claim that FT-1 will focus exclusively on the dynamics and sport, and care about the environment and the economy will take a backseat. What happens - time will tell. So far, Toyota does not disclose the technical details, but on the concept already you can go in the game Gran Turismo 6.

Toyota FT-1

4. Cadillac ATS Coupe - 4 points . At BMW 4-series probably already started to panic, because Cadillac introduced a compact version of its compartment ATS. He became even more brazen and dynamic. The car is very correct posture, which once again confirms the process of rejuvenation of the brand. Differences from the sedan is not so much - unless changed roofline, rear rack, trunk lid, and extended wheel arches. Well, the brightest feature of: a laurel wreath on the logo of the brand was joyfully declared a relic of the past and disappeared from the logo.

Cadillac ATS Coupe

3. Audi Allroad Shooting Brake - 5 points . Audi proved that change is coming. Ostochertevshie all their monotony and boredom design replaced an abrupt change of course. First, by itself Allroad Shooting Brake looks breath of fresh air. It is proportional, strict, ascetic, but he looks like a serial sample, which is about to appear in the near Motor Show Audi. And secondly, have you seen lately Shooting breaks? Who said "Mercedes"? Shooting break in serial understanding soon threatens to disappear from the roads permanently. The last instance, traveling about on our planet - Volvo C30, but we must remember that this car was removed from production. Sovereshenno not important that the Audi Allroad Shooting Brake 400 horsepower. Importantly, in Geneva in the spring we will see the new TT, which will look the same way.

Audi Allroad Shooting Brake

2. Volvo XC Coupe - 9 points . There is something vaguely attractive in the Swedish car with a pair of skis on the roof, whether Volvo Amazon from the Jurassic, Saab 900 Turbo, or even Koenigsegg Agera R. This is a kind of Scandinavian press, which are born all these "ice" machine. And yet they are born with flawless complexion. This tradition in fine form expresses presented in Detroit Volvo Concept XC Coupe. According to the creators, the design of this two-door four-crossover was inspired just sports equipment. We do not know whether this development the future, but that this "layout" will form the basis of the next generation XC90 - exactly. Deserved second place in our ranking, one of which, however, his colleague even won. Apparently, our editors can not resist the new corporate style Volvo.

Volvo XC Coupe

SEE ALSOA. Shary: Casualties of War in Ukraine

1. Chevrolet Corvette Z06 - 13 points . The fourth generation Corvette Z06 clearly is for lovers "old school" motoring. Here is what so fond of American monsters: the famous LT4 V8 volume of 6.2 liters, an outstanding 625 horsepower and 860 Nm of torque and gets integrated Eaton supercharger 1.7-liter. Of course, the savings and environmental engineers also had to remember to please the modern requirements of the engine temper tames system Active Fuel Management, optimizing fuel consumption and reducing emissions. But it's still a great evil gluttonous monster, which the owners will be managed through a seven-speed "mechanics". However, unsure of their abilities will be offered an alternative in the face of the eightfold "automaton" 8L90. Loyalty to tradition and irrepressible power, uzhivshiesya with modern technology - that's why Z06 wins the rating. We just can not give him credit.

Chevrolet Corvette Z06